CertBond // COST Action CA18120 // Reliable roadmap for certification of bonded primary structures
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Reliable roadmap for certification of bonded primary structures

With the increasing pressure to meet unprecedented levels of eco-efficiency, the aircraft industry aims for superlight structures and towards this aim, composites are replacing the conventional Aluminium.

The same trend is being followed by civil, automotive, wind energy, naval and offshore industry, in which the combination (or replacement) of steel with composites can increase the strength-to-weight ratio. However, the joining design is not following this transition. Currently, composites are being assembled using fasteners. This represents a huge weight penalty for composites, since holes cut through the load carrying fibres and destroy the load path.

Adhesive bonding is the most promising joining technology in terms of weight and performance. However, its lack of acceptance is limiting its application to secondary structures, whose failure is not detrimental for the structural safety. In primary (critical-load-bearing) structures, fasteners are always included along bondlines, as “back-up” in case the bond fails.

The main reasons for this lack of acceptance are the limited knowledge of their key manufacturing parameters, non-destructive inspection techniques, damage tolerance methodology and reliable diagnosis and prognosis of their structural integrity.