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Workshop of Certbond Trainees – Poster Session

Nondestructive analysis of debonding in a honeycomb composite sandwich panel Kaleeswaran

A lightweight floor system based on sandwich panel
PolandPier Giovanni BENZO, Portugal

Structural glass facades subjected to seismic loading
Afonso MESQUITA, Portugal

Vitroceramic coatings bonded to metallic implants for dental and orthopaedic applications
Cristina BUSUIOC, Romania

Post-tensioned glass beams with adhesively bonded tendons
Jagoda CUPAC, Germany

Application of laser shock peening on high elastic limit steels for power transmission components
Maxime GUERBOIS, France

Development of structural connection joints for adhesively bonded glass–plastic-composite panels
Julian HÄNIG, Germany

Interleaving thermoplastic non-woven veils to enhance the structural behaviour of co-cured composite joints
Oğuzcan İNAL, UK

Finite element analysis of point fixed laminated glass panels under distributed load: A comparison between mechanical and bonded fixing solution
Eliana INCA, Portugal

Adhesive selection for the realization of a bonded edge seal for fluid filled IGU’S
Alina JOACHIM, Germany

A parametric study of friction riveting on the disimilar joint formation and strength
Damjan KLOBČAR, Slovenia

On the improvement of adhesion between glass and polymeric materials
Gregorio MARIGGIÒ, Italy

Effects of temperature and peel-rate on fracture energy in the peeling process of a commercial safety film by considering a variable peel-angle q
Silvana MATTEI, Italy

Propagation simulation of multiple cracks in adhesively bonded composite joints
Lukas MÜNCH, Germany

In search of the holy grail of adhesives for cast glass structures: two contradictory case studies, the crystal houses façade in Amsterdam and a small glass pavilion in Greenland
Faidra OIKONOMOPOULOU, The Netherlands

Numerical simulation of laser shock paint stripping on aircraft aluminum substrates

Influence of elevated temperature on glued-in steel rods for CLT element
Nikola PERKOVIĆ, Croatia

Epoxy-PVB composite binder reinforced with nanostructures of WS2
Danica BAJIĆ, Servia

Data fusion based damage study using electromechanical impedance method
Shishir KUMAR SINGH, Poland

Adhesion capability of eco-epoxy adhesives synthesized by the addition of modified tannic acid
Nataša Z. TOMIĆ, Serbia

Dynamical mechanical analysis and fracture toughness of carbon reinforced epoxy composites
UrošTRDAN, Slovenia

Adhesion tests and laser stripping process of paint using shock waves: application to aeronautical parts in al alloys and CFRP
Selen UNALDI, France

The application of adhesives for connecting structural glass strips to existing timber joists
Žiga UNUK, Slovenia

Structural performance of embedded liquid-laminated glass connections

Tests of the embedded laminated connection for glass structures
Michaela ZDRAŽILOVÁ, Czech Republic

Mechanical properties of glass-metal adhesive connection under elevated temperature
Markéta ZIKMUNDOVÁ, Czech Republic
Winner of the Best Poster
In search of the holy grail of adhesives for cast glass structures: two contradictory case studies, the crystal houses façade in Amsterdam and a small glass pavilion in Greenland
– Faidra OIKONOMOPOULOU, The Netherlands.